Mermaidens Custom Colors Easter Eggs
Bring some magic to your Easter!
You will need:
- White Hard boiled Eggs
- Vinegar
- Water
- Spoons
- Cups
- Gloves
- Crayons
- Tape
To create custom Mermaiden colors:
Dye: 1 cup water + 2 tsp. vinegar + food color
- Jia’s Asian Magenta: 14 drops Blue + 6 drops Neon Purple
- Scarlet’s Rio Red: 20 drops Red
- Crystal’s Arctic Blue: 18 drops Neon Blue + 2 drops Neon Green +2 Blue
Other Mermaiden colors:
- Zoey’s Aussie Green: (Blue: 4 drops Green+ 10 drops Blue) (Green: 20 drops Green +2 drop Blue)
- Use two different cups, this is a great chance to try some of the techniques listed below!
- Destiny’s Tropical Sunrise: 17 drops Yellow + 3 drops Red
- Brynn’s Celtic Green: 20 drops Green
- Waverlee’s Malibu Pink: 20 Neon Pink
Marbleized eggs:
- Layer cool whip in container. You will need 1-2 inches of cool whip in the container before you add the color. We used a small Pyrex pan but any container will do.
- Depending on what color you want add drops of color into the cool whip. Make sure to leave white space in the cool whip without color.
- Add your egg to the cool whip; swirl the egg in the cool whip making sure to get areas of white and color. Pull the egg out after it is swirled and whip off with a paper towel. The longer you leave the egg the more intense the colors will be.
This technique works great for Zoey’s Aussie Green and Serena’s Rainbow!
Other Techniques:
- You can use a clear crayon to draw designs on your egg before you dip it in the dye
- Using tape; create a pattern on your egg before dipping it into the dye. Once you have dried the egg you can remove the tape and dip your egg again to create a two tone look to your egg.
To see more ideas and tips check out our Mermaids in March board on Pinterest:
Dec 26, 2019 at 3:33 pm
Mermaids are awesome #mermaidsarethebest!

Jan 11, 2017 at 3:32 pm
There really cool
Mar 28, 2018 at 6:43 pm
thay are really cool
Nov 24, 2016 at 8:35 pm
Nov 13, 2016 at 5:04 pm
they passed with the eggs