If you were a Mermaiden…

If you were a Mermaiden…

What would your tail look like?

What would your powers be?

What kind of animal would your FinFriend be?

What would be your FinFriend’s name?

Tell us all about your Mermaiden self!

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  1. Jul 27, 2018 at 10:52 pm
    mashell of the gold coral reef says:

    my tail would be an Atlantis design with coral cloud reef colors with golden touches around the tail, fin, and side fins. i would rome around a legendary coral down below the surface, where no human, nore mermaid, has gone
    my powers would be invisability, so that i could go up to were all the mermaids are, without being seen. blessing mermaids with one wish, but then brain wash them, so that they don’t remember a thing about seeing me
    i must be hidden from all mermaids, they must not know about my powers, or i fear they might use their gift against mermaid kind, or, even worse, humans might find out
    i can though turn into a human, but i only do it afew times a month, i have a friend above the surface named sammy, she likes theary’s, her favorite theory ironically is that mermaids are real, i wish i could tell her about how i’m a mermaid and that their’s a hole city way below the water, but human’s are always backstabbing as i found on human new’s.
    my animal friend’s name is blobby, the blob fish. he’s not really that much of a blob, intill he follows me farther than he can handle, then he’s blobby. i have to bring him down to were he can handle and not be blobby, because when there blobby, its bad for them. he’s cute
    i don’t have many merfriends, in fact, i have none. blobby and sammy are really my only friends. but its okay, i feel if i have to many friends that will cause drama and problem’s, i don’t have time for problem’s
    so ya, thats me

    1. Sep 29, 2018 at 8:35 am
      FinelyFunFlipper says:

      Wow! I really like the story for your mermaid.

      Mysterious, and a bit dramatic as well. Makes for an awesome story! I also love how your finfriend is a blob fish, haha!

  2. Jul 27, 2018 at 2:37 pm
    Mermaid Coralina says:

    My name is Coralina Naiya (meaning “water nymph from the coral of the sea” in Greek). My nickname is Cora (“maiden” in Greek”). My kingdom is in the Aegean Sea, near Greece. My tail is coral and salmon pink. My FinFriend is a vaquita, an endangered dolphin, named Sirena. My power is healing through music, and I sing to heal minor injuries, but I use a magic flute to heal major injuries.

    1. Sep 29, 2018 at 8:36 am
      FinelyFunFlipper says:

      Cool! A mermaid from Greece!

  3. Jul 26, 2018 at 1:22 pm
    Delta says:

    My tail would be light blue, coral, and white. My powers would be to manipulate water (like stop tsunamis and stuff) and to turn human. My fin friend would be a river dolphin named Quill. We’d live in the Bering Strait and protect the other animals living there.

  4. Jul 25, 2018 at 3:01 pm
    chika108 says:

    My name would be Lizzie and I’d have a tail the color of the blueish green waters of Kauai. I’d explore coral reefs and watch humans from afar. My kingdom would be at the bottom of the sea, but crystal clear water would make it easy to see by mermaids. A spell would be cast on the kingdom so that only mermaids or sea creatures could see it, not humans. My power would be able to feel other people’s emotions.

  5. Jul 25, 2018 at 8:41 am
    jazzy and gabby says:

    me as jazzy i would play with dolphins swim across the sea collect treasure i would help people and if i were to have a mermaid power id make water move have races with other mermaids and i would also heal things and become queen of the sea . me as gabby i will swim with dolphins in the sea and be queen of all mermaids and have power

  6. Jul 24, 2018 at 5:29 pm
    summer says:

    my tail would be blue & green. My power will be animals.My friends animal will be a turtle.My finfriends would be Crystal!I LOVE FINFUN

  7. Jul 23, 2018 at 7:01 pm
    Me says:


  8. Jul 23, 2018 at 6:17 pm
    Ocean waves says:

    My til would be blue, black, and white. I would have the power to be invisible, control the water, and turn human. Bubbles would be my dofin finfriend. I am polite, and would have blue tips in my hair. I would have 12 friends. Exploring new places would be our favorite thing to do. I would make new friends with animals, humans, and mermaids.

  9. Jul 23, 2018 at 10:52 am
    serena – chanel says:

    hi. if i was a mermaid,my tail will be turquoise and purple.my hair will be the same,but purple at the end. i will be super fast , but my power will to turn objects into anything else. my finfriend will be a dolphin, and her name will be “Silver”.

  10. Jul 22, 2018 at 7:14 pm
    Marissa the mermaid says:

    hi ,
    If I was a mermaid my tail would be teal or auqa

  11. Jul 22, 2018 at 7:12 pm
    Marissa the mermaid says:

    hi ,
    If I was a mermaid my tail would be teal

  12. Jul 22, 2018 at 5:51 pm
    Mermaid Katie says:

    If I was a mermaid my name would be Katie. My tail would be Red then ombre to a bright blue. My hair would be the same. My top would be red with a yellow star in the center. My eyes would be bright green. I would have a water proof robotic arm, due to a fishing accident. I would have a shell bracelet, a golden microphone locket, and a silver tiara. My parents died after I was born. My powers would be singing, though I am not a siren, super fast swimming, nonaging, and water bending. My weaknesses would be that I’m very gullible, easily hypnotized, my curiosty, and my locket, which can when you open it, plays a lullaby which makes me fall asleep. You could tell I’m mad when my tail, top, hair, and eyes go black. My finfriend would be a dolphin named Anunaya. She would carry me on her back if we were swimming and I fell asleep. My hair would always be tied down into to long pigtails. My personlatiy would be bubbly and creative. I could make friends with almost anyone. I’d live in a secret cave, which is realy a small house. My bed would be a clam. My age would be five.

    1. Sep 29, 2018 at 8:56 am
      FinelyFunFlipper says:

      That’s so cool that your mermaid has a robotic arm!

  13. Jul 22, 2018 at 3:33 pm
    Marinette says:

    If I was a Mermaid, My name would be Raven and I would have a Aussie Green Mermaid tail and I would have 80 feet long Vampire Red and Platinum Blonde and Vampire Black and Rainbow and Golden Blonde and Emerald Green and Crimson Red hair and I would have a vampire mermaid friend named Mavis Dracula and she’s really nice and she would be right by my side I would live in a underwater kingdom of Atlantica and I would be 19 years old and my Mermaid tail would look really pretty and I would have the power to sing because I love singing and I really don’t want to trade my voice to the seawitch or have legs and I really want to look for sunken treasures just like Princess Ariel.

  14. Jul 22, 2018 at 3:21 pm
    Marinette says:

    My Mermaid tail is Aussie Green and I would have the power to sing because I love singing and I really don’t want to trade my voice to the sea witch or have legs and I really like to play games like Hide and Seek with my mutant family and friends and my Hedgehog and Werehog and Vampire friends and my Loud House friends and I literally love having a lot of fun under the sea and play with the mermaids and mermen and I absolutely love being a Mermaid.

  15. Jul 22, 2018 at 1:50 pm
    gia says:


  16. Jul 22, 2018 at 1:49 pm
    gia says:

    if I was a mermaid my name would be coral. my tail is lotus moon. my power is invisibility,telekinesis,whirlpool I would have a necklace that can tern me in to a person I would have a jellyfish named jelo

  17. Jul 20, 2018 at 7:54 pm
    SB says:

    If I were a mermaid my name would be Lizzie. My tail would be like the Tiger Lily tail. My top is going to be purple and orange. I have dark brown hair and green eyes. My power would be water, plants, human, and super hero. I would have seashells in my hair, light pink nails. I would have a shell necklace from my great grandmother, and live in an beautiful secret under water grado. I am also half wizard, and I try to make as many friends as possible. I would be 14.

  18. Jul 20, 2018 at 12:35 pm
    Emma says:

    If I was a mermaid, My name would be pearl. My tail would be a beutiful shiny golden tail that ombres to white. My top would match my tail. I would have some seashell jewelery all around my waist and head. I would have long brown to white hair, blue eyes and white nails. I have the power to control the sun, fire, heat. I would have a special necklace that gives me life. My parents would have been a mystery to me and I would have to go on a mission to find them. My Finfriend would be a golden shark named Angel. She is misunderstood but she is actually very sweet but can be fierce. I would live in a beutufil underwater cave in Hawaii. I would be 17 years old.

  19. Jul 20, 2018 at 10:45 am
    Serafina White says:

    Hi. My tail would be the sapphire sea because I love my sapphire sea tail. I would be an only child and I would have a sea turtle friend named April. My name would be Serafina White and my power would be to talk to any animals and to swim as fast as I want. I’d live in the ruins of Atlantis and I would be wary of others. My mom was a siren and my dad was a merman so I’m not entirely comfortable around mermaids and others.

  20. Jul 20, 2018 at 10:40 am
    Serafina says:

    Hi! What tails does everyone have? I have the sapphire sea one and it is sooo much fun.

  21. Jul 18, 2018 at 4:19 pm
    Mermaid Starlight says:


    1. Jul 19, 2018 at 9:15 pm
      Pearl says:


  22. Jul 17, 2018 at 8:44 pm
    kayshanna123 says:

    if i were a mermaiden my mermaid tail will be celtic green and my powers will be of water and friendship

  23. Jul 16, 2018 at 8:44 pm
    Bahama Brooklynn says:

    Plus I am a siren that’s why I am misunderstood

    1. Jul 20, 2018 at 10:40 am
      Serafina says:

      I’m a Siren too 😊

    2. Jul 20, 2018 at 8:07 pm
      Mermaid Hydrofinity says:

      Im a siren too!

  24. Jul 16, 2018 at 8:42 pm
    Anonymous says:

    I would have a black obsidian tail with ice and moon powers my pet would be a white tipped reef shark and my name would be Carina Nightshade my hair color is a silver but I don’t look old I have bright blue eyes and I am usually wearing a black ruffley bikini top I am a lonely seemingly misunderstood mermaid that only has a few close friends but yearns for many good friendships

  25. Jul 16, 2018 at 4:24 pm
    the mermaid girl 4 ever says:

    my tail would look like the Maui splash mermaid tale because I love my Maui splash mermaid tale

    my power would be to swim super fast if i waned to and have waves power like waverelee

    my fin friend would be a dolphin

    my fin friends name would be whirlpool

    my name would be Phoenix

    my charm would be a aqua blue stone

    I would be very courageous mischievous and be kind of sporty ( thats exactly how i am )