If you were a Mermaiden…

If you were a Mermaiden…

What would your tail look like?

What would your powers be?

What kind of animal would your FinFriend be?

What would be your FinFriend’s name?

Tell us all about your Mermaiden self!

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  1. Jul 18, 2017 at 12:48 pm
    Marianna Mermaid says:

    Tail: Tidal Teal Powers: Control the sea FinFriend: baby vampire octopus FinFriend Name: Meep

  2. Jul 17, 2017 at 9:30 am
    Cristela says:

    I just joined in what are we talking about

  3. Jul 17, 2017 at 7:40 am
    Tessa says:

    My tail:Bali breeze

    My power: happiness

    My fin friend: narwhal

    My fin friends name: lucky

    All about me:

    I have brown silky medium long hair with pink and purple hair at the bottom I’m kind and helpful and really fun I love to swim with all the other mermaids and be social also I would always have adventures

  4. Jul 16, 2017 at 9:29 am
    Alona Brynns twin sister says:

    Hi everyone Its me Brynn’s twin sister I’m going to tell you all about myself .

    Well as you have probably noticed I’m Brynns twin sister. I was given to a trusted human family because of this prophecy that happens every 2 hundred years. I’ll do my best to explain it, well it only happens to the same royal mermaid family every 2 hundred years witch to be specific is the royal family of the Celtic sea and the first born of that family has to get red of whatever is harming the seas but if there are to merbaby’s then one born at the same time, also known as twins they have to fight when they turn 16 (I know stupid rule) and it was obvious that my parents didn’t want me and my sister to fight so they gave me to a trusted human family. But theirs another reason why they didn’t give my sister away it was because I was born with legs its not a mermaiden power but it is very rare but I can still turn into a mermaid with this rare and magical necklace made out of the aquamarine stone and when I’m human I can still breath under water also to say water doesn’t turn me into a mermaid. But in order for me to turn into one from my stone is to see the waves crashing, feel the waves crashing and to think of my tail and relax.

    And the day I found out about tail was when I was 11 or 12 and I was upset because this one girl at school got jealous of me because I looked like a mermaid and everyone at school thought I was cool and one day when we were on the bus she said that mermaids are not real and she started saying bad stuff about my family because I was adopted. I didn’t let her see me upset but when I got home I put my backpack in my room and snuck out my window and went to the beach I went to a little rock that was connected to the shore and I sat there listening to the waves and feeling them crash over my leg then I felt my legs tingle an I looked down at them they started to glow witch blinded me for a second and when I opened my eyes my legs had transformed into a turquoise mint and aqua green tail. I was so surprised but not scared I looked around to see if people was watching nobody seemed to notice so I transformed back and went home. When I told my mom and dad about it the didn’t seem surprised like I thought they would be. But they did talk to me and tell me about my history. I was so happy but sad that my real sister didn’t know I existed my mom told me that she was head strong brave and often the leader just like me!

    My dad says I look almost exactly like her but I don’t have freckles or green eyes or fully red hair my hair is actually blond with red streaks and my eyes are a rare blue. My hair is rely wavy and long! lol

    My Mermaiden power is to shift water into anything and even freeze it also to say that I’m a water bender. My finfriend is a whale shark named Faith she is blue with white spots shes very friendly but has a hard time making friends because she is huge some people are scared of her because they think that she’l eat them but truthfully whale sharks eat plankton!

    Well that’s all for now I’ll see you guys latter bye!

    1. Jul 18, 2017 at 10:58 pm
      FinleyFunFlipper says:

      Oh my goodness! I love the stories of Brinn’s Twin! <3

  5. Jul 15, 2017 at 5:11 pm
    Fin_Fan101 says:

    Tail: It would be the Malibu Pink mermaid tail
    Powers: My powers are that I am able to stop any war or fight and I would cause world peace
    Fin Friend: A Narwhal (The reason is because I feel like whales are peaceful)
    Fin-Friend name: Faith
    My mermaid name would be Destiny and I have light long brown hair that glistens in the light and I am kind to everyone I live in the Pacific Ocean and I swam to the Arctic Ocean to save Faith from and attack now she has one eye. I am best friends with the mermaidians and I cam turn into a human by touching my magical necklace.( also I love fin fun so much and thanks for the Malibu Pink tail!!)

  6. Jul 15, 2017 at 4:21 pm
    Amarni says:

    I’m a huge fan of mermaids

  7. Jul 13, 2017 at 7:22 pm
    irene says:

    my tail:black mix with purple mix with pink

    my power:darkness

    my finfriend:moon jellyfish

    my finfriends name:star

    all about me:

    well i would have long silky black hair with the powers of darkness i’m not evil i’m
    really kind and helping i am really good friends with brynn because you know opposites attract my name will be midnight i would live in the darkest parts of the ocean i’m sometimes an introvert i never really meet my parents so i was adopted by a royal family until i swan away to find my real parents but then i meet all my new friends like crystal and brynn they have been trying to help me find my parents no luck yet but i know one day we will find them and they will be real happy.

    1. Jul 18, 2017 at 10:38 pm
      FinleyFunFlipper says:

      I like your mermaid tail! 😀

  8. Jul 13, 2017 at 12:43 pm
    JJ says:

    Mermaid Tail: Sapphire Peacock
    FinFriend: Blue Fish
    FinFriend’s name: Sapphire

  9. Jul 13, 2017 at 8:57 am
    Nabila says:

    Saya suka sekali dengan mermaid fin fun yang saya beli tolong beli kan saya lagi mermaid yang mallibu pink

  10. Jul 13, 2017 at 8:42 am
    Sylvia says:

    Finfriend Name:Strawberry

  11. Jul 13, 2017 at 5:51 am
    Aquatan says:

    my tail will be aqua. my power will be whirlpools and my fin friend is aquata my dolphin

    1. Jul 17, 2017 at 9:35 am
      Cristela says:

      Mine to my dolphins name Ella her favorite food is fish and we go for Adventures together we collect Lots of interesting stuff and most of all we love hanging out with a friend

  12. Jul 12, 2017 at 1:23 pm
    redpanda says:

    name: Emeri
    tail: ombre black and red
    power: sing people to sleep
    friend: Angel the Blue Sea Slug

  13. Jul 11, 2017 at 10:59 am
    Valerie mermaid says:

    Tail: Teal
    Fin friend:bubbles the fish
    Power:control waves

  14. Jul 11, 2017 at 9:26 am
    Aphmau says:

    I would love to be a mermaid so I can swim very very very very fast!!!!

  15. Jul 10, 2017 at 12:39 pm
    Mermaid says:

    This is awesome!!😏

  16. Jul 10, 2017 at 2:11 am
    Arti says:

    My tail would be aqua fading into green with gold on it, like a mixture of the celtic green and tidal teal only with gold on it too. My powers would be controlling air. My finfriend would be a dolphin and it’s name would be louie.

  17. Jul 9, 2017 at 3:45 pm
    Morgana Winters says:

    If I were a mermaid….

    I would have a teal tail

    My power would be that I could sing enchantments

    My fin friend would be a otter

    My finfriends name would be Pearl

  18. Jul 9, 2017 at 10:49 am
    Mermaid emma says:

    I love find fun mermaid tails

  19. Jul 8, 2017 at 11:30 pm
    Phoebe says says:

    My tail would be light blue to lavender to light yellow .my power would be talking to animals. My name would be Kenzie.my finfriend would be a penguin

  20. Jul 8, 2017 at 3:02 pm
    FinleyFunFlipper says:

    If I were a Mermaiden…
    Name: Finley (I really liked what I got for the Mermaid Name Generator, so I’m sticking with it! 😀 )
    Home Sea: In a lake that leads out into the Pacific Ocean near the Canadian coast
    Tail: Red that fades into an orange at the front, with turquoise blue patches throughout, and a turquoise tail tip.
    Power: The power to create sturdy bubbles of all sizes. I would use this power to save humans or animals from drowning, they could also navigate underwater in these bubbles for a time. I could even use it as a protective barrier for myself or other undersea pals.
    FinFriend: A cuddly Sea Otter named Captain
    Appearance: Shaggy, medium length, chocolate brown hair that fades into a dirty blonde at the tips. Dirty blonde highlights and bangs. Olive skin, hazel eyes, a bit of freckles and a mole near my left eye.
    Likes: Making people smile and laugh, fixing objects, going on adventures with her friends, day dreaming, collecting odd things, creating, writing and reading, being helpful, hanging out with her brothers and day dreaming.
    Dislikes: Large crowds, being at the center of attention, girly things like fussing over her hair, boys or jewelry, loosing control.
    Personality: Shy, kind, polite, goofy, tomboy, curious, day dreamer, creative, clumsy, handy, naïve, understanding, see’s the good in everyone, adventurous, wall flower, observant.
    Finley is a go with the flow kind of Mer, usually following the lead of others do to her unsureness. If there’s a new situation, she prefers someone else to take the lead, but she doesn’t mind being the follower. When a situation arises when it’s all eyes on her she feels pressured and scared, which can make her clumsy and sometimes cause her to lose control of her powers! Sometimes watching others from a distance, she’s very observant and can notice if there is something bothering her friends. Although she is shy at first, she is a fun loving, goofy, tomboy once she warms up to you. She always makes sure she is kind to everyone, no matter who they are, and she often see’s the good in everyone. Though sometimes this may make her seam naïve, she does her best to be as handy and helpful as she can to her friends. Whether it’s giving them advice, or just lending a fin. If your feeling down, you can be sure that Finely and Captain would be by your side to help cheer you up, whether it be pulling jokes, making you a gift or by just being plain silly, her goal is to make you smile, or better yet, laugh! She loves to solve problems, wither it be friendship problems, boy problems or something needs fixing, she loves to give a helpful hand whenever she can, and doesn’t mind getting her fins a little dirty to accomplish something. Although she may be shy, and a little timid, her curiosity can get the best of her and lead her someplace new that she hasn’t yet discovered. She can also be found looking off into the distance day dreaming, or lost in thought. Often getting inspired to write stories or to create something unusual, unique and beautiful. She also is a complete tomboy, as she loves to roughhouse with her older, and younger brothers. Whether that be playing fin ball, building a club house, playing games, pulling pranks or reading comics, she’s always right at home with the mermen, and can sometimes have a hard time fitting in with the other mermaids. In the end, no matter what, she’s always there for her friends, even if it’s up to her to put aside her fears and set the example to give her friends hope and inspire others to try! When it comes to a fight, Finley would try to diffuse it some other way, talking out of the situation.

  21. Jul 8, 2017 at 4:18 am
    NUKS says:


  22. Jul 7, 2017 at 11:41 pm
    Emma says says:

    My tail would be pastel blue to pastel lavender to pastel yellow my fin would be a faith of lavender. My powers would be hipnitizing.my finfriend would be a baby tiger named trixy

  23. Jul 7, 2017 at 11:37 pm
    Emma says:

    My tail would be pastel blue to pastel lavender to pastel yellow my fin would be a pastel faith of pastel lavender.my powers would be hipnitizing.my fin friend would be a underwater baby tiger it’s name would be trixy

  24. Jul 7, 2017 at 11:24 pm
    Mermaid Izzy says:

    My tail would look like a rainbow trout, but dark blue instead of green with pink and yellow and lots of spots. My powers would be to see perfectly underwater and speak to other sea creatures. I already have a FinFriend; she is a turtle, her name is Sally, and she is about 60-70 years old.

    1. Jul 10, 2017 at 10:11 pm
      FinleyFunFlipper says:

      That would be so cool for a mermaid tail!

  25. Jul 7, 2017 at 12:19 pm
    Mirabella says:

    My tail would be Malibu Pink my powers would be I can shift water into anything I want and freeze it my fin friend would be a sea horse and her name would be Luna she would be purple

    1. Jul 8, 2017 at 3:18 pm
      naomi says:

      that’s cool